Welcome back rattle snake
welcome back big buffalo
welcome back Oh pooring lake
may I wash my feet in you?
Welcome back friendly mouse
welcome back through-the-tree-sunlight
welcome back to my little house
to heat me after months of cold night
Welcome back hard working ants
give my best to the queen!
welcome back legs with no pants
the whitest legs spring's ever seen
Welcome back buzzing bumblebee
and welcome back green, green grass
welcome back Oh beautiful tree
screaming with colours through the mountain pass
Welcome back mighty mama bear
and welcome back no stress snail
welcome back fast jumping hare
come midnight I'll jump your trail
Welcome back pale winter feet
and the creek to put them in
welcome here all who feel beat
we are all the same kin
Welcome back butterfly cocoon
and welcome back voice and scent of the rain
welcome back big orange tangerine moon
and my old crooked walking cane
Welcome back Oh sneaky fox
and welcome back searing crow
welcome back sunheated rocks
and the changes we'll undergo
Welcome back old rusty carving knife
and welcome here all things new
welcome back all things that burst with life
I burst with you!